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segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2015

The Girl's Got Secrets (Forbidden Men #7) by Linda Kage

I was given an ARC in exchange of an honest review.

Here’s the same old “girl posing as a boy” story but with a rock-n-roll twist.

Remy Curran dreams of one day being in a band, except the group she wants to join refuses to hire a girl drummer. So, she auditions as a guy...and makes the cut.

Becoming “Sticks,” a member of Non-Castrato, isn’t quite what she dreamed it would be, though. She spends most of her time keeping up the subterfuge and learning how to walk, talk, act, and drink like a man.

But what’s even harder to deal with is acting oblivious when the band’s heartthrob lead singer, Asher Hart, treats her like one of the guys and not a woman. She never imagined he’d be so much more than a pretty face with a nice voice. But he’s better than perfect. He’s perfect for her.

When love and lies combine, Remy must keep up the act or lose everything. But who knew lying to reach one dream could prevent you from attaining an even bigger dream?

Though the "girl posing as a boy" theme is old-fashioned I love this kind of story and this particular one was awesome.
Well written, funny, steamy. I loved how Asher was super blasé about Remy "homossexuality".

Jodi, Rmey´s best friend, is a riot, she hit on every pair of pants in front of her. She cracked me up. The scene where Asher´s bandmates leaves her bedroom and she says to Remy " They´re was fighting because of me, I taught them how to share" made me lmao.

Embora o tema "garota fingindo que é garoto" esteja fora de moda, eu amo esse tipo de história. E essa, em particular, foi muito legal.
Bem escrita, engraçada, quente. Eu amei como Asher agiu naturalmente sobre a " homossexualidade" da Remy.
Jodi, a melhor amiga de Remy, é uma parada. Ela dá em cima de todo homem que ela acha bonito. Eu ri muito com as "artes" dela. A cena em que os companheiros de banda do Asher saem do quarto dela e ela fala pra Remy " Eles estavam brigando por minha causa, eu os ensinei a dividir" me fez rir demais.

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