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domingo, 8 de abril de 2018

The Boy And His Ribbon by Pepper Winters

I was given an ARC in exchange of an honest review.

“What do you do when you meet your soul mate? No wait…that’s too easy. What do you do when you meet your soul mate and have to spend a lifetime loving him in secret?
I’ll tell you what you do.
You lie.”


Ren was eight when he learned that love doesn’t exist—that the one person who was supposed to adore him only cared how much he was worth.
His mother sold him and for two years, he lived in terror.
But then…he ran.
He thought he’d run on his own. Turned out, he took something of theirs by accident and it became the one thing he never wanted and the only thing he ever needed.


I was young when I fell in love with him, when he switched from my world to my everything.
My parents bought him for cheap labour, just like they had with many other kids, and he had the scars to prove it.
At the start, he hated me, and I could understand why.
For years he was my worst enemy, fiercest protector, and dearest friend.
But by the end…he loved me.
The only problem was, he loved me in an entirely different way to the way I loved him.
And slowly, my secret drove us apart.


OH.MY.GOD! How else could I start this review? Pepper Winters has overcome herself in this book.

Before this book, I read the Dollar series and I loved, but this one... It doesn´t have words enough in the world to describe how much I liked.

I can start saying that I wake up real soon as in really soon 4:30 am, go to gym, then work, then college, and I´m home again by 11 pm. So I´m particularly criterious about my sleep time. I never let myself be awake after midnight, ´cause I also need to sleep besides all that adult stuff I do. But, I couldn´t put this book down, I just couldn´t. I went until 1 am, wich is not so late for some readers, I know. But, for me, in a week night? It´s like go to sleep at 5 am. And it was only one hour before the book was over. I went to work reading (even if reading on the bus makes me nauseous), and I read in my lunch time, wich I was supposed to be studying, since I was in a exams week. And when my lunch time was over, I only had 6 minutes left to complete the book.  Can you believe it? Me neither. Do you know how frustrating that is? So, what did I do? I read it anyway, of course. Because, who could resist?

But, talking about the book. What a unexpected plot. So well written and so engaging. And the characters, I loved them all, but Ren and Della were absolutely amazing. I loved them, from the very beginning to the bitter end. How could they be that perfect for each other and didn´t see it?

I´m still marveled at how perfect this book was, did I say I loved? NO? Well, I did. A lot. And I can not wait until The Girl and Her Ren is released. Can June 5th come already?

Della and Ren, hang on. Your time is coming soon. Love you all.


AI.MEU.DEUS! De que outra forma eu poderia começar esta resenha? A Pepper Winters superou-se neste livro.

Antes deste livro, eu li a série Dollar e amei, mas esta ... Não tem palavras suficientes no mundo para descrever o quanto eu gostei.

Eu posso começar dizendo que eu acordo muito cedo, tipo, muito cedo mesmo, 4:30 da manhã, vou para a academia, depois trabalho, faculdade, e estou de volta em casa, às 11 da noite. Então eu sou particularmente criteriosa sobre a minha hora de dormir. Eu nunca durmo depois da meia-noite, porque eu também preciso dormir além de todas aquelas coisas adultas que eu faço. 

Mas, eu não consegui largar este livro. Eu fui até 1 da manhã, o que não é tão tarde para alguns leitores, eu sei. Mas, para mim, em uma noite de semana? É como dormir às 5 da manhã. E faltava uma hora para o livro acabar, quando finalmente dormi, mesmo que contra a minha vontade. 

Eu fui trabalhar lendo (mesmo que ler no ônibus me deixasse nauseada), e eu li na hora do almoço, que eu deveria estar estudando, já que eu estava em semana de provas. E quando o minha hora do almoço acabou, eu só tinha 6 minutos faltando para acabar o livro. Você sabe o quão frustrante isso é? Então, o que eu fiz? Eu li mesmo assim, claro. Porque quem poderia resistir?

Mas, falando sobre o livro. Que enredo inesperado. Tão bem escrito e tão envolvente. E os personagens, eu amei todos eles, mas Ren e Della foram absolutamente incríveis. Eu os amei desde o inesperado começo até o amargo fim. Como eles podem ser tão perfeitos um para o outro e não perceberem?

Ainda estou maravilhada com o quão perfeito este livro é. Eu já disse que amei o livro? NÃO? Bem, eu amei. Muito. E eu não posso esperar até que The Girl and Her Ren seja lançado. 5 de junho, meu lindo, você já pode chegar.

Della e Ren, esperem. Sua hora está chegando. Amo vocês.

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